{Preston is Trevor's momma's maiden name & Oakes is simply a name we loved}
My momma arrived right on time the day before on Halloween. We went trick or treating with Miriam that evening and did a ton of walking which I think got things going. I felt a little funny before bed, but had a full night sleep until I woke up with some pains around 6 am. At first I wasn't really sure it was it since I hadn't experienced going into labor on my own the first time, but after an hour or so I was pretty sure this was the real deal. By the time I got to the hospital and checked in I was 6-7 centimeters so it all happened pretty fast. All I can say is it was completely surreal. I was calm and nervous and just emotional all over, but he was perfect. 10 fingers, 10 toes and big like an oak tree at 9.1 pounds. I got to hold him immediately and Trevor, my mom, and I just stared in awe at this new baby boy. Miriam came the next morning with my mom and was beyond thrilled with her new role as big sister. She kept saying, "awe, he's so cute" over and over. She truly is the sweetest girl!