Last week, momma and I went to see Julie & Julia. I rarely seem to make it to the theater, but this one was well worth it. You see, I like cooking, but I'm totally still learning . Not that I wasn't raised on fabulous cooking... because I was, but because I was always more interested in baking box cakes as a child. Now that I'm married to "big-un" (a name he was once called by a complete stranger) who loves cooking and now that I work with a total foodie (check out her cooking blog for some excellent tips: eats to enjoy) my food "awareness" has really risen.
Anyway, back to the movie. I loved Julia (Meryl Street) and wish there had been even more of her story. I may not be mastering the art of French cooking any time soon, but I adored her. She loved life - all the little things in a day and most of all she loved Paris and of course her cute husband.
That night, momma and I got out her copy of The Joy of Cooking AND my grandmother Mimi's copy to compare. Mimi's had scotch tape on the spine, spills & stains, and little handwritten recipes tucked inside. I could almost picture her in their old house on Ensworth Avenue - fixing up something sweet to fill up our bellies. It made me miss her so much.
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