Monday, January 10, 2011

snowed in

Well, it must be our year for snow. There were 6 inches on the ground this morning in Greenville. Mimers and I stared in awe out the window at the bright white everywhere. I haven't seen snow like this down South since I was really little. So we snuggled in and watched our street come alive as the morning began.

Dogs romping around, an outdoor fire pit started at the neighbors, people tromping around in lots of layers, and a bunch of kids sledding. Ahh… this is the life!


  1. Oh yes...our daughter went back to Clemson on Saturday and is loving the upcountry snow. Just rain and ice here in the lowcountry.

  2. So pretty! I went out in my pjs, sat Collins in the snow, snapped a pic, and came back in!

  3. we did the same thing ! all of the neighbors came out...lots of sledding and was so great! Your house is so great! I love earle street!


  4. looks like you got a bit more than us, but we actually had enough to sled! so fun.
