Wednesday, February 10, 2010

creative and curious


As you know, I adore getting mail. Well yesterday a wonderful magazine showed up on my doorstep. I subscribed to Uppercase mag a while back and have loved every single issue. It's full of interesting tidbits, great writing and wonderful stories featuring artistic folks. There is always something new inside. So I had to share these wonderful illustrations from the new issue. They're by Martin Haake of Berlin. I love his quote… "I don't like illustration that is too slick. For me it must have a sense of rawness and history to it - it must be more grandmother." Yup. I know exactly what he's saying. I love the texture and the imperfection of his work. He mentions that clients are always asking him to change the feet on his illustrated people, because the men he draws look like they're wearing women's shoes. That's kinda funny! Anyway, they're wonderfully whimsical and make me smile.



art via martin haake